Embracing the Season with The Power and Shadow of Scorpio

As we enter the sign of Scorpio, we find its two ruling planets, Mars and Pluto, opposing each other. Every planet and sign have a shadow side, and none embodies the shadow more intensely than Scorpio, which is both revered and feared in astrological circles. Ruled by the gods of war and death, Scorpio’s energy is very powerful and can lead to profound transformation or deep struggles.
The Dark Night of the Soul
The journey through Scorpio is often likened to a "dark night of the soul," where we are challenged to confront our inner darkness. The hope is that we can transmute this darkness into wisdom and compassion for others. Without this transformation, Scorpio's shadow may become vindictive and self-destructive.
Attentional Healing Practice
During this season, it's crucial to focus on energetic healing. Intend to remove and clear all false ascension programs and residual energies from the brain, higher heart, and 8th chakra. Release any remnants of trauma, false genetic signatures, and multidimensional attachments to restore balance and connect with your true essence.
Scorpio in the Cosmos
The Scorpius constellation, lying between Libra and Sagittarius, is home to the bright star Antares. Antares” means “rival of Ares” — the Greek god of war. In Rome, he became known as Mars. So Antares is the rival of Mars. The color of the planet Mars reminded skywatchers of blood, which is why they associated the planet with the war god.
In Greek mythology, the scorpion was sent by the goddess Artemis to stop the hunter Orion. This cosmic battle symbolizes Scorpio’s themes of power and protection.
The Alchemy of Isolation and Growth
Scorpio’s transformative energy often brings a phase of separation or isolation. This is not an escape but a vital process of turning inward to deepen spiritual consciousness. As we separate from external influences, we find the stillness to connect with our inner spirit and sense oneness with the Divine.
The Physiology of Scorpio
Physiologically, Scorpio rules the bladder, genitals, colon, prostate, and red blood. In terms of instinct, Scorpio’s ability to distinguish truth depends on their relationship with their inner shadows. When unresolved, these shadows can manifest as distrust, paranoia, and a fear of abandonment, pushing Scorpio toward unhealthy patterns of attachment or isolation.
Healing Scorpio's Shadows
Scorpio's connection to death and the unseen often results in early encounters with loss or spiritual experiences, leading to deep-seated fears and anxieties. The shadow of Scorpio is preoccupation with thoughts of death or escapism through risky behaviors. Despite these challenges, Scorpio has the potential to find beauty within the darkness and turn it into light.
The path to transformation can be difficult, but it is essential for us to embrace our shadows with compassion and acceptance. Therapeutic practices such as yoga, meditation, art or drama therapy can help them express their intense emotions constructively. Setting clear boundaries and trusting their intuition will allow Scorpio to cultivate meaningful and healthy relationships. In this way, they can create the deep emotional connections they long for while finding peace within themselves.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), sometimes called tapping, is a great tool to use this season. You can find that link here, https://maritalintimacyinst.com/wp-content/uploads/Emotional-Freedom-Technique-EFT-w-steps-and-info.pdf
Another great technique for Emotional Freedom that can be used with tapping is from Energetic Synthesis, called
“Emotional Release -1
Sometimes in conjunction with our energy work we will best be served to have catharsis to surface and acknowledge painful emotional patterns in order to see them clearly and forgive them in ourselves and others.
Forgiveness and Forgetfulness frees the pain from impacting your body.
For a complete emotional release you may want to ask yourself a few questions about a few of the social experiences creating frustrations:
What is your pay off for your disease/pain?
What people do you need to forgive?
What do you feel guilty for?
Do you have the wisdom to know the difference?
What can you change, what do you need to accept?
Are you being totally honest with yourself?
After each question is complete and you have answered them (it’s preferable to write them down), REPEAT OUTLOUD STEP A.
Even though I feel or have this (answer to each question), I deeply and completely accept and forgive myself.
Use affirmation to repattern/refocus every time you have an anxious or negative thought. State it as your intention when you wake up in the morning.
I stand in my truth. I move forward with joy. I have spiritual understanding.

New Moon Scorpio happens at 5:47 PST on November 1st. The moon and the sun come together at 9 degrees and is this Scopionic energy means we can experience great intensity and focus. Mars in Cancer for a few months, meaning we have lots of water issues. These symbolize water warriors, if you will. When we examine the water signs, Cancer is like a bubbling brook, spring or flowing river, Scorpio is the deep still waters of a lake or cenote and Pisces would be like the ocean. This is big power struggles collectively that will last until March or April. Scorpio is secrets and things hidden deep beneath the surface. These are often sexual secrets, crime, money or fraud secrets. Uranus in Taurus is unexpected truth coming to light. The new moon is also aspecting Eris and Uranus meaning justice and truth. Remember Eris is the warrior sister of Mars, and Scorpio here is the stinger. Think of issues with health, related to injections coming to light. Where there may have been injustice around forcing people into medical procedures. Or perhaps some other truths coming out about that. This could be a big revision to people’s belief systems. And that comet Atlas T3, remembering comets are usually indicative of messages for us, means something big is coming to light.
By the November 3 the opposition between Mars and Pluto becomes exact and the next day Mars enters Leo. This is a sign of standing in your strength and sovereignty. The Sun, representing our soul rules Leo and we are officially in the Solar Maximum with tremendous solar flares activating us almost daily. The planetary consciousness is gradually undergoing a lunar to solar transfiguration at the end of this Ascension Cycle. According to the Ascension Glossary, “These stages of transmitting alchemical forces to aid consciousness evolution are qualities of which have never been previously exposed to this planet. This is allowing the Alchemical Laws of consciousness evolution to be transmitted through the constellations of which are inherently a part of the organic processes of planetary biological ascension.The Earth’s Magnetosphere and the Solar System’s heliosphere are getting exponentially weaker. These alterations to the magnetic field allow an increasing saturation of cosmic rays into our inner solar system.”
Pluto is trine Uranus and this will last for years. This is a very good time for humanity coming together to bloom in love and peace. But before that happens we will see more of the establishment crumbling as we bring in new a more innovating healing technologies. The new moon with the sun is square Varuna, the Hindu creator god of the oceans and she watches over the demons deep in the water who, like Eris punishes those who do not honor contracts, particularly agreements made about water issues. We will work with water healing codes during these classes. Ckariklo is also at play in this astro as she is the healer holding sacred space for us during our major shifts in consciousness. She is the only one that could soothe her husband Chiron, the wounded healer. Sun and Moon are trine to Saturn so it is the time to go deep and work on your healing and shed the victim consciousness.
For this new moon we will have Kundalini and Sound sessions on either side of it as we are starting our next module of the ECKASHA Mystery School on that 11-1 day. Join us for sessions either Wednesday Oct 30 at 9:30 am or Sunday Nov 3 at 9:30 am. Sessions are $29.

ECKASHA Mystery School 11-1-24. There is still time to join the next module of our exciting healing school. This is training for lightworkers, energy workers, yoga instructors and more. Yoga Alliance continuing education. We will study our galactic heritage, our Starseed Roots and practice new activations as well as working with sound and how to teach Lightbody Kundalini yoga. This is a tremendous upgrade for you DNA. This is a very regenerative practice that actually has you aging in reverse. I posted an amazing video from Robert Edward Grant on my Instagram where he talks about reverse aging and activing more stands of our DNA. He talks about how it is not junk DNA and how we are moving from carbon beings to silicate beings by activating our greater lightbody. Making us bioluminescent beings. This is a fantastic confirmation of our weekly lightbody yoga practice and this school that teaches you how to do it. Another great confirmation of this work is an interview with Greg Braden also speaking about how our human DNA was genetically altered and his musings about Nirbiru, the 12th Planet. A link to these videos can be found here https://youtu.be/yUKg3jA9xis?si=cn4kvy6Vqhy5LpJF and here. https://youtu.be/8x7iejFjWb4?si=pELJZTuE-flpgXy0.
More info on the Mystery School can be found here. https://www.communiteayoga.com/lead-collection

Save the date for Kundalini and Cacao for the Full Moon in Taurus on Friday November 15th from 6-7:30 pm. Join Lindsay Williamson, Tony and Tina, Ardas Taran for a beautiful celebration ceremony with Astrology, Kundalini Meditation, Sacred Ceremonial Cacao and Sound Healing featuring Native American Flutes and Gongs. We will cozy up by the fire heaters as we celebrate Pluto leaving Capricorn as we let go of the past 16 years to welcome in the Age of Pluto in Aquarius. The is a new and transformational time for humanity. Everything and everyone elevating their consciousness and holding the vision and frequency of our New Earth. Embrace Source and the Law of One. Space is limited so book early. $44 per person. https://www.communiteayoga.com/events/full-moon-kundalini-and-cacao